Durham's Water Putty

What Is DURHAM'S Water Putty ®?
Who Uses It?
How Do I Open the Can?
Directions For Use.
Coloring Your Putty.
Finding DURHAM'S ROCK HARD Water Putty.
Why DURHAM'S Is Better.
For Best Results ... (Usage Precautions)

What is DURHAM'S Water Putty?

DURHAM'S ROCK HARD Water Putty® is a gypsum-based filler -- a powder -- that becomes very hard when mixed with water. It never shrinks and has great bonding strength. That's why so many people use DURHAM'S to fill holes and cracks in wood, plaster, furniture, stone, and concrete. Once DURHAM'S is set in place ... it stays in place.

Who uses it?

Painters, decorators, woodworkers, electricians, carpenters, cabinet makers, handymen, housewives, pattern makers, electronics repairmen, manufacturers, plumbers, and practically everyone who has a repair job. Artists, modelers, and hobbyists use it, too.

How do I open the can?

Use a screwdriver or similar tool to pry up the friction cap. Work around the cap lifting it a little each time. When finished, tap the cap firmly back into place to keep the powder dry and ready to use.

Directions For Use.

Mix DURHAM'S ROCK HARD Water Putty and water to a fairly stiff, dough-like, consistency – approximately 3 parts powder to 1 part water. Press firmly into clean, oil-free cavity with putty knife. Continue adding more and pressing again until putty "bounces" back, leaving an excess of putty. Do not attempt to smooth off the excess putty while it is wet. You can clean around the area with a wet cloth. Prepare only the quantity you need because DURHAM'S sets quickly.

Let set about 20 minutes. The putty will be like hard soap. Shave off the excess with a putty knife, leaving very little sanding to be done. This method gives a firm, smooth texture – perfect for shaving, cutting, and carving!

About 40 minutes later, DURHAM'S will become very hard and have great strength. Let set about 8 hours, however, before sanding if an especially smooth, light ivory surface is desired. For craft items, or repair jobs in which large quantities have been used, let DURHAM'S dry even longer.

For special jobs where slow hardening is desired, add a small amount of vinegar or milk to retard setting time.

Coloring Your Putty.

DURHAM'S dries to a light ivory color. Add dry colors such as umber, sienna, ochre, or poster black to DURHAM'S powder for coloring throughout the putty. Experiment a little, and you'll be able to obtain almost any color or shade desired.

You can also paint the putty once it is dried if you do not need the color throughout the mix. For more complete coloring information, check out "How To Color Your Art Objects."

Finding DURHAM'S ROCK HARD Water Putty.

For lasting satisfaction -- use only the original DURHAM'S!

You can get DURHAM'S at your paint or hardware store, lumber supply dealer, do-it-yourselfer store, and at many hobby, craft, and art stores. It is available in 1- and 4-pound cans as well as 25-, 50-, and 100-pound drums.

Why DURHAM'S Is Better.

DURHAM'S does not shrink. This is important for hobbyists who want their objects to hold their fine details and shapes. Handymen and crafters find this beneficial when filling holes in wood, plaster, and other materials.

DURHAM'S Putty sticks and stays put. It adheres in oil-free material such as wood, cement, plaster, stone, and composition when completely dry. Embed pebbles, shells, glass, tiles, and other materials in the putty when making mosaics. Add objects to sand sculptures without the worry of having them fall out.

As the name implies, DURHAM'S Putty is ROCK HARD and resistant to scratches. Repairs are also more durable, craft projects are stronger, and art objects don't need firing.

Since it is a powder, DURHAM'S lasts indefinitely when kept sealed in its container. Mix only the quantity you need and eliminate waste!

Finally, this putty can be sawed, chiseled, sanded, polished, molded, painted, varnished, waxed, or colored. Always could be since the 1930s!

For Best Results ... (Usage Precautions).

Your satisfaction is important to us. That's why we want to also tell you about certain usage precautions.

Total drying time depends on size of amount of DURHAM'S used, humidity, and temperature. DURHAM'S Putty will withstand weather if kept painted, but paint will peel from damp Water Putty.

The familiar can -- a symbol of
DURHAM'S dependability.

Moreover, DURHAM'S will absorb moisture, as from underneath a porch, deck floors, and from condensation within walls. Thus, an extremely humid environment such as a plaster shower or bathtub enclosure will prevent DURHAM'S from completely drying and adhering to the surrounding material.

For repair jobs, DURHAM'S Water Putty fills voids like holes, cracks, and the like. Just fill the void completely until the putty bounces back. After the putty has set up, remove the excess. It adheres to the sides of the hole for permanence. That means DURHAM'S isn't designed to be spread in thin layers over large, smooth surfaces. For example, if a wooden door panel is weathered, replace it or sand it down. A thin layer of DURHAM'S spread over the panel will look great -- but it may pop off with the first good slam of the door. Remember, DURHAM'S is meant to fill voids.

Where there is movement, expansion, or contraction -- as between floor boards -- Putty may become loose. DURHAM'S is not intended for load-bearing repairs. Finally, DURHAM'S Putty expands slightly as it dries so it will "stick and stay put." This expansion, however, may also cause Putty to "pop" from a smooth concave surface.

DURHAM'S is to be mixed with water. If you add a great deal of powder or liquid paints, hardness and performance may be compromised. Complete coloring and staining precautions can be found under "How To Color Your Art Objects."

DURHAM'S conforms to ASTM D-4236 so it is safe for children when used appropriately under adult supervision. However, you will want to use the product in a well ventilated area. Proper eye protection should be worn. NIOSH approved dust respirator may be required when using. Avoid ingestion.